Jesus was a Magic Mushroom (Part 2)

John 6:31-41 reads, “Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat. Then Jesus said unto them, verily verily I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my father giveth you the true bread from heaven … Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life … The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread that came down from heaven.”

Priests and pastors vehemently deny that “the true bread, the bread from heaven” is a mushroom, but have a difficult time explaining it as literal bread. bread is not a small, round thing found dew-covered in the wilderness. Nor does it contain any of the mystical properties bestowed upon it. This is undeniably a reference to the magic mushroom.
“The concept of the literal ingestion of the body of God is highly downplayed by religious scholars of today. The body (soma) being a fleshy Mushroom is much more palatable than trying to stomachcannibalism or the transformation of ordinary substances. Many questions should be asked about this cosmopolitan idea of the ‘Sacramental Substance’. Unfortunately, the religious experts shun the notion, insisting that the entire idea is nothing more than symbolic. A symbol points at something else, not usually at another symbology.

The Catholic church, in the early 1100's, decided to have the final word on this subject by establishing (under Emperor/Pope Innocent III) the ‘Doctrine of Trans-Substantiation’. This is whereby, the Priests, by their assumed holy power, claim to be able to say some magical words, and turn ordinary bread into the literal ‘Body of God’. This event is one of the biggest evil deceptions of all time, is an undermining of the basic esoteric aspects of the religion, and is, arguably, the most horrible and damning event to ever happen to Christendom, and as such the entire human race. Jesus clearly describes the Manna that he calls his body in the book of John. Repeatedly describing the ‘Thing/Manna’ as a substance hidden from the world, but revealed to his disciples. Understanding the last supper story becomes as simplistic as it gets, if you know how to decipher the event. Adamantly; Jesus says, ‘Take and eat, This is my Body.’” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind”

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