Immortality - Raising The Chrism : The Pineal Gland And The 33 Vertebrae Points (Part 2)

The thick, oily and salty substance composing the Sacral Plexus, “Cauda Equina” (tail of the horse), may be likened unto crude Petroleum (Petra, mineral, or salt, and oleum Latin for oil) and the thinner substance, oil or ointment in the spinal cord, may be compared with coal oil ; and when this oil is carried up and crosses the Ida and Pingala (two fluid nerves that end in a cross in medulla oblongata where it contacts the cerebellum (Golgotha the place of the skull) this fluid is refined, as coal oil is refined, to produce gasoline a higher rate of motion that causes the ascension of the airship.

 When the oil (ointment) is crucified (to crucify means to increase in power a thousand fold not to kill) it remains two days and a half, (the moon’s period in a sign) in the tomb (cerebellum) and on the third day ascends to the Pineal Gland that connects the cerebellum with the Optic Thalmus, the Central Eye in the Throne of God that is the chamber overtopped by the hollow (hallowed) caused by the curve of the cerebrum (the “Most High” of the body) which is the “Temple of the Living God” the living, vital substance which is a precipitation of the “Breath of Life” breathed into man therefore, the “Holy (whole) Ghost” or breath.
The Pineal Gland is the “Pinnacle of the Temple.” The modus operandi by which the oil of the spinal cord reaches the Pineal Gland is described in what follows.
“There is no name under Heaven whereby ye may be saved except Jesus Christed and then crucified” (correct rendering of the Greek text).
Every twenty-nine and one-half days, when the moon is in the sign of the zodiac that the sun was in at the birth of the native, there is a seed, or Psycho Physical germ born in the, or out of, the Solar Plexus (the Manger) and this seed is taken up by the nerves or branches of the Pneumo gastric nerve, and becomes the “Fruit of the Tree of Life,” or the “Tree of good and evil” viz.: good, if saved and “cast upon the waters” (circulation) to reach the Pineal Gland; and evil, if eaten or consumed in sexual expression on the physical plane, or by alcoholic drinks, or gluttony that causes ferment acid and even alcohol in intestinal tract thus “No drunkard can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven” for acids and alcohol cut, or chemically split, the oil that unites with the mineral salts in the body and thus produces the monthly seed.”
“ON EITHER side of the Thalamus, in the head, is a gland, known in physiology as the Pineal, on the posterior, and the Pituitary on the anterior side of the Thalamus.
The Pineal is cone shaped, and secretes a yellow or golden fluid. The Pituitary Body, opposite it, is ellipsoid in shape, and contains a whitish secretion, like milk.
The fluids that are found in both these bodies come from the same source, namely, the Claustrum, which means “barrier” or “cloister,” and is referred to as cloister for the very good reason that a precious and holy thing is secreted or secluded there. Saint Claus, or Santa Claus, is another term for this precious fluid, which is indeed a holy gift in the body of each one of us.



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