Quartz Crystal

Alternate Names & Name Spellings: Rock Crystal, Crystal Quartz, Universal Crystal, Clear Quartz (which is the stone behind all the shades and colors)

Chemical Composition: SiO2 (Silicon Dioxide)
Hardness (Mohs): 7
Colour(s): Clear, White, Pink (Rose Quartz), Brown, Gray, Black, Green, Blue, Orange, 
                      Purple (Amethyst), Yellow (Citrine), Purple and Yellow (Ametrine), and others
                      Lustre: Vitreous
Transparency: Transparent, Translucent
Habit: widely variable, trigonal-trapezohedral, crystals often columnar
Common Locations: Found all over the world, most notably Brazil and Arkansas, USA.

 Origins and Folk Lore: Quartz is the most common stone on the planet. It is a component of a huge variety of rock types, and comes in an extensive range of colors and varieties such as agate and jasper. Many colors of quartz or formations have their own names, such as amethyst for purple quartz.
The word quartz is thought to come from the German word "quarz", but the origin of that word is not known. The word crystal, however, comes from the Greek word "krystallos" which means ice.
There are many traditional uses of quartz. Ancient Japanese believed quartz formed from the breath of a white dragon, and regarded it as representing perfection. Australian Aborigines used quartz in rain rituals. Crystals skulls were reportedly made by Atlanteans and are believed by some to be living entities. Clear quartz formed into spheres have been used as crystal balls to predict the future at least since the middle ages.
Quartz can be manufactured or imitated. Manufactured quartz is created from the same components as real quartz but is made by man. Imitation quartz varies widely, but is commonly some type of glass with or without coloring or inclusions. Many decorative crystals such as Swarovski crystals are not quartz crystal at all, though they are very beautiful and have their own meanings.
Quartz i is the most recognized type of crystal. In fact, many people envision quartz crystals when they think of crystals, even though there are many different types of crystals. Quartz can be icy clear or have inclusions, veils, bubbles, and various colors. Visual clarity normally isn't important to a quartz's energetic quality and ability to amplify subtle energies.
Quartz s a power stone. It has been called the "Universal Crystal" because of its many uses. It enhances energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, focusing and transmitting. It channels universal energy. Quartz also enhances thoughts, as they are a form of energy. Because it directs and amplifies energy, it is extremely beneficial for manifesting, healing, meditation, protection, and channeling. It is also beneficial for storing and retrieving information of all types, as information is a form of energy pattern also. This makes them particularly good for programming to use for a particular purpose. Due to its ability to balance, quartz is excellent for harmonizing and balancing one's environment. Quartz is also good for energizing other crystals.



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