Background to #ImStaying (World Wide Feel Good Story).

Background to #ImStaying In 2011, Liana Barciela Hassim’s father had a heart attack while she was studying in the US. She had five flights ahead of her to make her way home to SA. Walking on to the second flight, she got the news that her father had died. Hassim “crumpled” in the queue. “Throughout the rest of the journey, I cried, wailed and found corners in airports to sit by myself. People stared, gawked actually. Laughed. An American lady tapped me on the shoulder to say, ‘Don’t worry honey, you’ll find another man.’ The Germans shuffled along quickly as if I had contracted the bubonic plague. Everyone minded their own, mostly,” Hassim said. She then landed in Johannesburg and everything changed. “The first Afrikaans tannie who saw me, pulling me by arm, asked me what was wrong, enveloping me in a larger than life hug. She stroked my hair, fed me with something sugary and asked me what I needed. “Later on in yet another long queue, a gogo, seeing...