The Ultimate Truth About Life And ...

“Being and non-being produce each other. Difficult and easy complement each other. Long and short define each other. High and low oppose each other. Fore and aft follow each other,” says the Chinese enlightened mystic Lao Tzu describing the intrinsic harmony between polar opposites. There is no fight or struggle between them; they support each other.

This essential vision of Tao gave birth to the concept of Tai Chi, which means the ultimate law of life, the ultimate law of universe, the meeting and merging of all polarities of life, the merging of yin and yang into oneness. All opposites are complementary and meet in oneness which the Chinese call “Wu Chi”, meaning nothingness, from where everything arises.

The wise knows that life depends on opposites and creates its own balance. This dynamic balance is related to the complementary nature of opposites. China’s indigenous religion, Taoism, talks of this balance in terms of yin and yang, represented graphically as two intertwining fish — one black, one white. Everything in the universe is either yin (female) or yang (male) in nature. Yin and yang breathe meaning into each other, one cannot exist without the other. You cannot talk of light without its absence or opposite, darkness. Action takes off from repose.

Just being makes you lazy and just doing makes you hyper and a workaholic. The East became lazy and fatalistic, believing that everything happens by itself, like a child growing in the womb. The West became hyperactive and conquered nature. The whole world is suffering because of this aggression. The person who uses both these polarities to attain balance in his/her life is wise."



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