
Showing posts from April, 2019

Global Warming Hoex - They are only showing 140 years of numbers

Global Warming Hoex - They are only showing 140 years of numbers 

Julian Assange : The Deep State Hits Back Assanges true crime Embarrassing powerful people

Julian Assange : The Deep State Hits Back Assanges true crime Embarrassing powerful people WikiLeaks had claimed that Assange was spied on in Ecuador's custody, and it promoted a document dump said to implicate Ecuadorian President LenĂ­n Moreno in a corruption scandal. Ecuador's former president, who first provided asylum to Assange and under whom Moreno served as vice president, suggested Assange was arrested in retaliation for exposing corruption under Moreno. Julian Assange Memes  Wikileaks Memes Julian Assange Memes  Wikileaks Memes Julian Assange : The Deep State Hits Back Assanges true crime Embarrassing powerful people

Blue Bees - Xylocopa caerulea

We’re so used to seeing honey and bumble bees that you could be forgiven for assuming bees only came in yellow and black. But in reality, bees come in an array of colours, from  green  and  ginger , to  purple,   white , and even  pitch black . But there’s something about that rich, bright cerulean that really sets the blue carpenter bee ( Xylocopa caerulea ) apart. Nature doesn’t often give us  blue insects , so when it does, it’s hard not to be impressed. The blue carpenter bee is found throughout Southeast Asia, India, and Southern China, and they’re known for being large and heavy bees that live solitary lives, and are generally non-aggressive. While European honey bees (the most common species in Australia) grow to just 17 mm long, blue carpenter bees can reach a whopping 28 mm, which makes them appear eerily hefty. We couldn’t find footage of a blue carpenter bee flying, but this violet carpenter bee ( Xylocopa violacea ) grows t...
