15 Signs You're A True Yogi
15 Signs You're A True Yogi What do you think of when you hear the term yogi? The term yogi has many connotations. I used to think a true yogi was someone who could perfect all the yoga poses and had aggressively handed over their life to meditation in order to get the ultimate Zen mentality. However, since more than 20 million women alone practice yoga in the United States, and with men jumping on board too, either we all secretly want to live the Buddha lifestyle — seeking inner peace under a tree — or a yogi is anyone who is dedicated to her practice. Yoga can help heal our bodies and minds in a myriad of ways. I hear all the time that yoga can assist with weight loss, which is why I first came to the mat seven years ago. Since starting yoga though, I no longer obsess over the little things. My regular practice has given me more clarity, the desire to eat healthier, and ultimately led to more self-love regardless of the number on the scale. My rela...